Mossdale: 01582 575100 / Leabank: 01582 587350

Federation Letter to Parents

20 May 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will be aware Gill Blowers Nursery School and Pastures Way Nursery School have been in consultation to become a Federation. The consultation period has now finished, and the nurseries have decided to go ahead with the Federation. The nursery schools will maintain their own identities but will belong to The RICCHER Federation of Nursery Schools.

We have decided to use the name Riccher for the federation as the ethos is:

Rich Vocabulary and Communication Skills

Independent and Ready

Curious and Critical Thinkers

Confident and Resilient

Have a love of Stories and Reading

Engage in Boundaries and Routines


You can find more information regarding the ethos on the nursery schools’ webpages.

The new federation governing body has created the opportunity for 4 parent governors, 2 from Gill Blowers and 2 from Pastures Way. Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Parent governors would be required to attend around 7 meetings each year and would need to be DBS checked. Meetings are usually in the evening and are a mixture of face-to-face and zoom meetings.

If you are committed to improving outcomes for our children and are interested in becoming a parent governor, please contact reception at either nursery school and the headteacher or myself will get back to you to discuss the position further.

Best Regards

Daryl Pritchard

Chair of Governors

The RICCHER Federation of Nursery Schools

Gill Blowers Nursery School