Mossdale: 01582 575100 / Leabank: 01582 587350

Spring Term 1 Wow Wednesday Plan

Wow Wednesday Planning – SP 1

Come and join your child each Wednesday in class. 10.45am and 2.30pm 

Week Activity 
10th – 14th Jan 2022

‘Muddy Art’  Come and be creative with us using different media to make beautiful art work. 

EAD – Begin to use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials  EAD – Join different materials and explore different textures.
17th – 21st Jan 2022  ‘Wind Wands’ Come and make beautiful wind wands.    EAD – Manipulate and play with different materials using various tools like scissors, cutters, hammers  PD – Uses one-handed tools and equipment
24th – 28th Jan   ‘Nature Threading’  Come and make beautiful nature necklaces/bracelets with us

Maths – Recites some number names in sequence PD – Develop manipulation and control PSED – Select and use activities and resources, with help when needed
31st Jan – 4th Feb 2022  ‘Bird feeders’  Join us and make bird feeders to help our beautiful birds in the environment

UW – Talk about the differences between materials and changes they notice. C&L – Begin to understand more complex sentences. 
C&L – Understand a question or instruction that has two parts
7th Feb – 11th Feb  ‘Clay Faces’
Come and create clay faces with us.   PSED – Shows an increasing desire to be independent  PD – With support collaborate with others to manage large items. PD – Uses one-handed tools and equipment.

Gill Blowers Nursery School